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Home / Quizzes / Spermatogonia. Easy.

Quizzes. Cell types.


A total of 20 questions are available. They are randomly shown in groups of 5. The quiz can be restarted at anytime with to new sequence of questions.

Select true or false for each question. Correct answers score 1 point, wrong answers score -1 point, and not answered questions score 0 points.

Questions: 1 to 5 (serie 1)

True False

1. Hay varios tipos de espermatogonias.

2. Spermatogenesis progresses from the periphery to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule.

3. The germinal cells that are not yet going through meiosis are called spermatogonia.

4. Las espermatogonias tipo A son las más próximas a entrar en meiosis.

5. Spermatogonia live in very restricted niches.

Home / Quizes / Spermatogonia. Easy.