Atlas of plant and animal histology

Home / Quizzes / Epithelial tissue. Easy.

Quizzes. Animal tissues.


A total of 20 questions are available. They are randomly shown in groups of 5. The quiz can be restarted at anytime with to new sequence of questions.

Select true or false for each question. Correct answers score 1 point, wrong answers score -1 point, and not answered questions score 0 points.

Questions: 1 to 5 (serie 1)

True False

1. There are wide extracellular spaces between epithelial cells.

2. Exocrine glands release their products at the body surfaces. .

3. Endocrine glands show an excretory duct.

4. A gland that releases more than one type of molecules is known as a compound gland.

5. The corneum stratum is found in the epidermis.

Home / Quizzes / Epithelium. Easy.