Atlas of plant and animal histology

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Quizzes. Plant tissues.


A total of 20 questions are available. They are randomly shown in groups of 5. The quiz can be restarted at anytime with to new sequence of questions.

Select true or false for each question. Correct answers score 1 point, wrong answers score -1 point, and not answered questions score 0 points.

Questions: 1 to 5 (serie 1)

True False

1. The calyptra protects the root apical meristem.

2. The axillary buds are derived from the vascular cambium. axilary buds derive from the vascular cambium. La yemas axilares derivan de el cámbium vascular.

3. The procambium meristem forms vascular tissue.

4. The vascular cambium is a secondary meristem.

5. The position of a cell in the meristem is a crucial feature to develop into a specific functional cell.

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