Animal tissues

Organ: elastic artery, elastic fibers.
Species: rat (Rattus norvegicus; mammal)
Technique: paraffin section, Mallory's thrichome.
Species: rat (Rattus norvegicus; mammal)
Technique: paraffin section, Mallory's thrichome.
In this image of the wall of an elastic artery, many elastic fibers showing different thickness and parallel to each other, as well as to the surface of the artery, can be observed. The image A is a magnification of the image B (black square). The elastic fibers are observed scattered among the smooth muscle cells, which synthesize and release the elastin molecules, proteins that form the elastic fibers. In the artery wall, the smooth muscle cells also release the ground substance of the extracellular matrix, where the elastic fibers are immersed. In the tunica intima, the elastic material is arranged in fenestrated sheets (see image).