Animal tissues. Epithelium.

Organ: urethra, stratified columnar epithelium
Species: mouse (Mus musculus; mammal)
Technique: azan staining, 8 µm thick sections, paraffin embedding.
Species: mouse (Mus musculus; mammal)
Technique: azan staining, 8 µm thick sections, paraffin embedding.
Cursor over the mouse to see where the image comes from.
Stratified columnar epithelium shows taller than wider cells in the more upper layer. The total number of layers is variable (see also figure 1).
In mammals, this epithelium type is not frequent. It can be found in the ocular conjunctiva, in large excretory ducts of glands such as salivary glands, oral cavity, epiglottis, and in some parts of the urethra. Besides ducts, it can be found in the recto-anal junction.